Burningless debrief

Is it really different?
As per self-sabotage.
As per burning yourself out.

We shall see.
It feels so.
But so did the other times.

Productivity in baby steps.
Healthy, satisfying, relieving.

Also numbs the anxiety… anguish.

Adding the absence of control.
Of future prediction…
Will I have any stability?
Will I have anything?
Kind of whatever…

Hands down?

Still only easy to say due to the backup safety…
Golden crib as it’s called.

But also, having to learn that nothing is permanent.
Not only the obvious mortality, but systemic stability and stuff…

Being aware and prepared that you’re disposable…
That work is disposable, especially if you aren’t up to give up of all.

Then Time.

That is not worth even to be commented.
It’s quite the overall ruler…

And with that, I reckon it shows the difference.

Okay, a brief debrief.
I think that that does it.
And didn’t burn at all.
I guess.


