Pursuing relaxation.

Place for my Head
1 min readSep 24, 2020

They say writing is good.

Then here I am writing about writing again.

I love me some meta indeed.

And even so, it always finds its way to being useful.

Venting out, simply…
Composing, probably…
Designing, kind of…

Reflecting, introspecting, inventing…

Yes, plenty of advantages…

It all depends on being done healthly I guess.

Well, currently finding my way to be more present.
But above that, finding ways to actually relax…
To be mindful and relaxed…

A very hard thing to figure…
Anything will involve energy, effort, demand, labour…
Even standing still, meditating, etc…

Consumption culture…
Screen consumption, content, digital, knowledge…

Anyway, I’ll get there eventually…

Not being alienated, but present and comfortable standing still.

Good luck to me.

