The Tired-Ass Cycle

Venting, right?
Why not being productive instead?
Because that’s the dilemma.
Always trying to fit in productivity.

It’ll always aim towards the outside.
A spontaneous movement of neglecting your inner feel.
Confronting that feels like going against the stream.

‘Why does it matter?’, ‘why would it matter?’.
‘Coping with internal feelings is so easy.’
‘Even if it’s just burying it all within.’
‘What’s the matter?’, ‘why would it matter?’.

Where is the productivity?
The frustrations remain the same.
More cleared out? For sure. Still…

It’s like an eternal road for getting your shit together.
For how much longer will you need Time for sorting it out?
While your yearnings sit back waiting for their turn.
Or else you get burned out.

Quite an old tired-ass cycle.

